

The Purad piping system is used to transport ultra pure media (UPW, HPW, PW, WFI), highly aggressive chemicals (H2SO4, HCI, HF, NaOH, HNO3, etc.), aggressive exhaust air and contaminated process air. In this demanding field of application, stringent requirements are placed on purity, ch… [More >>]


FOR ALL AGRU PIPING SYSTEMS PE 100-RC, PP-H, PP-R, PP-Pure, Polypure, PVDF, PVDF-UHP, ECTFE, PFA, Poly-Flo, HV-liner piping system AUTOMATIC WELDING Excellent weld quality with 100% repeatability MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE More than 20 years accumulated experience in infrared welding technology ALL-IN-ONE-BOX Machine and accessories in a compact box that is suitable for clean rooms [More >>]